Why have you chosen to work with your creative partner? What are your aims?I have chosen to work with Lizz and Steph because they have skills in areas that I am not strong in such as drawing and photoshop. Our aims are to combine our skills to produce a strong visually engaging piece of work to communicate our problem and it's solution.
What are your specific areas of creative interest in this brief?
I'm interested in the website and it's design. Also in the research part of the brief.
What specific design skills do you have to offer in relation to your chosen brief? How do you intend to use them?
I'm quite good at communication and would like to use this in presenting our work. I also like to look deeply into subjects, therefore would like to add a lot of research to effectively answer our problem. I also find myself reasonably good at layout and am interested in web design, therefore I would like to have a part in the website page designs.
What specific non-design skills do you have to offer in relation to your chosen brief? How do you intend to use them?
I am punctual and when I say I'll do something, I stick to my word.
I am also a good listener and will listen and try out anything ideas that the other two will have.
I am good at putting accross our points, I'd like to have a part in the presentations.
What will your specific roles be in collaboration in relation to your brief?
Communication is essential in group work and it will be really important to keep each other up to date with everything that we do as individuals in regards to the brief.
We need to get into meetings at least once a day to equally share out roles and things to do.
We will also be collaborating our research and idea generation.
What will your individual responsibilities be in relation to your brief?
Website design
What will your joint responsibilities be in relation to your brief?
Idea generation
Agreeing on design direction
Working on feedback comments
Realizing problems and straightening them out.
Signed... Ellie Niel-Mee