As Amber said at the beginning, I found the time management for this project slightly difficult as it was prioritizing it above or below the others going for OUGD102/03. I found myself full of ideas when first given the brief, and, surprisingly, my first idea was the one i then followed up and carried on to the end.
I actually really enjoyed the design process of this brief. Photography has always been a passion of mine, made more so after our elective, and as this was a project in which you could progress in any way you wished, I immediately tried to focus on photography-based ideas. As I had decided to have both rural and urban ones, the easter period fell perfectly as I returned home to Dorset and visited Cornwall which gave a really nice variation to the collection of photographs i put together. I also enjoyed experimenting with photoshop to see what brought the lines (if very subtle ones) out in the pictures. It felt like the possibilities for this brief were endless. The installation process was tricky... just finding a corridor long enough, also positioning each photograph and deciding on the sizing.
I feel that if I had put more time into this project that it could have been taken a lot further. Since the hand-in date I have been experimenting further with the photos, putting them together on illustrator and seeing what other effects I can put on the actual photographs themselves.
In some ways, I'd like to carry on going with this as an ongoing investigation, maybe see how long I can get the continuous line. It has definitely made me a lot more aware of different lines in the environment, they are everywhere and in all different shapes and sizes. Everywhere I look now I see them and position them in my head next to each other.