Sunday, 27 September 2009

10 things i would like to achieve this year...

1. I would like to learn how to manage my time better... not leave things until the last minute.

2. I would like to firstly learn how to use Adobe Illustrator, then improve my skills with practise to become fully comprehensive with the features.

3. I would like to further my skills in Adobe Photoshop, learning about the different features that can be used rather than my basic knowlege of photo enhancement that I possess at the moment.

4. I would like to be able to successfully manage my time with the course and my social life... learn how to put the important stuff first but not get completely bogged down.

5. I would like to keep on top of my work and get each brief done to the best of my ability. Not leave anything un-finished or use the phrase "I'll do that later"

6. I want to develop my own style. I want people to see a piece of work and think "that's ellie's" without even having to ask.

7. I want to use the inductions we get tought, try and incorporate everything i learn this year into one or more projects. Not just stick to my comfort zone.

8. I want to learn how to work better as a team. With friends/ people I know... and total strangers. Learn to manage the work easily and effectively.

9. I want to learn off other students, pick up some skills/ shortcuts/ tips that we won't necessarily be taught this year by the tutors. Learn to bounce and pick ideas up off the others in the group.

10. I would like to make it onto the second year... not just scrape on... ace it!

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