Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Enterprise and Innovation - Task 1 - Who am I? - Who are they?

List of possible client groups - 

The music industry -
Album covers

Snowsports companies - 
Ski + snowboard design
Promotion (billboards, posting around resorts, brochures etc...)

Food companies - 

Retail -
Clothing design
Shop floor brand identity

Chosen client group - The music industry

I feel that the music industry does not just require designers, it requires designers who are passionate about the work they are producing, experts in their chosen field.
If they are designing for a certain band, they need to know everything about that band, and the look/ideas that they are going for. They need to get them involved with the design process.
A band is a brand... they need to sell themselves, not just musically.
Music is a piece of art that people collect, the album covers, the single covers, the collectors editions, the merchandise... the promotional material. And this requires designers. Brilliant ones.
The skills required vary depending on what area/areas you want to cover in this business.
A strong knowledge of software is needed as a lot of design is based on this. After effects is also a useful skill to possess when it comes to animating and moving promotion.
I possess a strong knowledge of the music industry, having been a passionate member and admirer from a young age, living amongst musicians and worked alongside different designers and photographers used for different aspects of design in this industry. I have been behind the scenes at the building of a few albums... been there when important decisions were made (such as cover art and different promotional methods).
With this knowledge I feel that I could add my software and design skills to make myself very useful in a highly sought-after profession.
To further my knowledge, I am going to start looking deeper into the world of an actual designer in this industry, ask them questions and really get the feel of what a day to day in this profession is like.
I am also focusing on doing live briefs to further my experience in this area... I have been asked to design a few t-shirts and artwork for certain bands, to really think about the audience. For example, a band who have only got t-shirts designed for men have asked me to re-think their direction on maybe producing a female version, thinking about type and colour to appeal to that audience. This and furthering my software skills I think will help me establish a thorough understanding of the industry.

1 comment:

  1. seems like you have a focus for the future. make sure you equip yourself with all the skills during your time here to get into this particular segment of the industry.
