Saturday, 1 January 2011

Musings over design for the music industry.

Following some of the recent sessions we have attended, a lot of thought of mine has gone towards what I actually want to do with my life as a graphic designer after I leave college. Its a big world out there for us... so many options and so many different areas, print, web, motion to name just a few.
Since coming to the conclusion that I wanted to do graphic design at university after having a completely fine art background all the way through school, I've always wanted to work in the music industry as a designer, but never really explored it as an actual career, I saw it more as a hobby I guess.
But since looking more into it, it turns out I was completely wrong. Now my task is to look into different designers and companies which do focus on the music industry.
Do not get me wrong, I am not in any way saying that I want to pigeon-hole myself into just designing for music, but it is definitely something that would be my dream to actually make a career out of. 
The scope is wide, from flyers, posters, album covers... to merchandise, advertising campaigns, promotions. Everything about all of this fascinates me and always has as I have been around musicians and their surroundings for a long time and, in my own way, want to play my part. 

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