In this crit we were split into groups of 8 with a member of staff and told to present our work, alongside the posters from the previous week.
I found this crit really helpful and really liked the way it was set out. I was with people I hadn't really worked with before, therefore got real truthful feedback.
All in all, everyone understood what my whole project was about really quickly (which was what i was aiming for) and people liked the visuals and the setting out of the mailshot. To my surprise one of their favourite features was the sticker on the back of the envelope... keeping it together, it was a nice touch.
They also said to address the envelope design. Maybe add another flap on the bottom to contain the cards without having the pouch... therefore resulting in a more effective envelope to actually go in the mail. Also it would give me more space for the information on the cards, rather than having all my information squashed on the paper, literally just fitting in the envelope.
I feel this is all very useful to my further development of this project and will try out this new envelope design this weekend.
As far as my feelings towards the whole 'No News Is Good News' brief, this has been my favourite so far... its been focusing on both image and type which is what I really enjoy, i love the challenge of trying to get it right. Keeping it balanced but also keeping it simple and to the point. For some reason it felt like the first brief which I totally associate with 'Graphic Design'... but maybe that's just me.
I really enjoyed working to a brief which interests me as well, and the amount of research I did in the first week really helped me work at a pace which i enjoyed in the 3 following weeks.
All in all I am really proud of what I have produced.
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