There were a few which I thought were interesting enough to me for me to want to spend weeks working with.
There was one particular one about the price of skiing holidays which caught my eye... skiing is one of my biggest passion, but, i didn't feel that this was the perfect headline for me to work with for a prolonged period of time... I could see it starting to get annoying.
Then I found the perfect headline for me... "Twitter Twits". It was an article about celebrities and their Twitter usage... the outlandish things they say and the amount they use the website. Being a fully-fledged twitter addict myself... i decided this was definitely a topic which I could work with.
I started investigating the different aspects of the website... looking up facts and figures, exploring into the different reasons people use it (advertisement, publicity, networking... keeping up with friends), the ridiculous amount that some people use it and news articles about it as a dangerous tool.
I then narrowed my research down to three specific areas...
- Celebrity Twitter usage... getting into trouble in the media surrounding antics on the website
- Celebrity tweets as opposed to friend tweets
- Twitter as an addiction
I feel spending an entire week on research alone will definitely pay off when it comes to the other parts of this brief as I will have much more time to focus on ideas as the research will all already be there.
I wish we could do this with every brief... this is not possible however. But I've really enjoyed having the time to really delve deep into a subject to have enough research to back up my work.
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